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5 Pcs Chicken Strips

5 Pcs Chicken Strips Available Sauce: Garlic Sauce, Ranch Sauce, Signature Chicken Sauce

1.50 BHD

8 Pcs Mozzarella Sticks

They re deep-fried until golden and crispy on the outside, with melted gooey cheese on the inside. Available Sauce: Ranch…

1.80 BHD


Dnion Rings Delicious nion Rings Served fresh Available Sauce: Ranch Sauce BD 1.600

1.60 BHD

Moda Burger is not just a restaurant. We create a story and a hobby and cook burgers for you with love and happiness. We are ready to arrange all parties andoccasions

.مودا برجد ليس مجرد مطعم نحن نصنع قصة وهواية ونطهي لكم البرجرو واننا على استعداد التـلبية جميع الحفلاتوالمناسبات"بحبوسعادة